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Shelby Avann
Embodied Connection
Coach & Reiki Master
Hi I'm Shelby and I am a embodied connection coach.
What does that mean exactly ?
Well first , if you struggle with:
-Feeling disconnected from the current relationships in your life and from your intuitive voice
-You feel easily overwhelmed, shut down or both
-You aren't feeling a sense of desire or passion for your life
​I can help you.
I work with women and queer folks using tools of :
-Attachment Theory
-Nervous System Regulation Work
-Parts Work
-Inner Child Healing
-Energetic practices such as reiki
-Self Intimacy Practices
I love blending the realms of spirituality and science in my coaching and healing sessions.
For those who are interested in working in the realms of sexuality and kink I am also able to help you ! This is my favorite space to coach when clients are ready for this work.
Please feel free to inquire about this!
​1:1 Coaching Programs
Reiki Healing
Reiki Training
Women's Circles
As an Embodied Connection Coach & Healer Shelby focuses on addressing emotional and relational issues that may impact intimacy. She works to heal and strengthen the emotional bonds between individuals, fostering a deeper sense of connection and understanding in their relationships.
She uses her knowledge from attachment theory, nervous system work, kink, tantra and reiki to help her clients become more embodied and secure in themselves so that her clients can then go out and utilize their new skills in their relationships.
Intimacy is something that you share with everyone !
It is the supportive touch to friend going through a breakup.
It is the moments you share with your family of both joy and pain.
It is that random wink you share with a stranger.
It is holding space for someone to share.
It is sharing your body with another.
It is sharing energy and spirit work with one another.
It is a woman's circle.
It is those moments with yourself when you feel deep grief. Deep contentment. Deep joy.
It is the moments when you find compassion for yourself.
It is the moments when you acknowledge your growth and your healing.

Coaching Review
I am currently participating in the intimacy coaching 12 week program with Shelby. I wasn't sure what to expect when I started it, but I knew that I wanted to better myself, as well as the relationships in my life. These sessions are very insightful and helpful in many aspects of my life. I learned how to process and regulate my emotions as they come up and am actively discovering my needs and setting boundaries as needed. Shelby is one of the most intuitive people I have ever met and is such a comforting person to do this type of work with, as she makes you feel heard and respected, while still keeping it professional.
I highly recommend Shelby to anyone who is interested in forming stronger relationships with others, as well as truly figuring out what you yourself need in order to become the best version of yourself possible.